Learn about our Enola Team

One of our five locations is located in Enola. This satellite office houses our Development Team and Rachelle Womack, a Self-Sufficiency Coordinator who provides case management and other services to our community members.

Rachelle works hard to provide personalized support to individuals and families facing challenges. She helps residents of Enola navigate their journey toward self-sufficiency by serving as a bridge, linking clients to the resources available, and providing a support system to improve their overall well-being.

Tiffanie Keck, Chief Development Officer, manages the Development Team while raising funds for our many programs. Tiffanie also organizes our events and creates campaigns to spread awareness about our cause and create support within our tri-county area.

Hunter Heisler, Communications Manager, works to promote our mission through social media, a newsletter, and more! He also takes photos and videos at our events to share with the public when we are out in the community!

Samantha Garvey, Volunteer Coordinator, contributes to our mission by gathering volunteers to do community service in the community like litter clean-ups, gardening, and more! She also attends community events to share our services with people who may be struggling. Every year she also works with United Way to provide tax services to people in all three of our counties through the Money in Your Pocket program.

We appreciate the impact and the role each of our team members have within our tri-county footprint. If you are in Cumberland County and are facing obstacles, please reach out to us to see what we can do for you!