Upcoming Events
Parent Cafés are a place where parents of all types can gather and share their stories, their experiences, their worries, their fears, their wisdom, and find community and strength. Parent Cafés are for any parent or caregiver with a child prenatal to 5 years of age.
Group Connections are one of the four components of the Parents as Teachers program. These intentionally planned events provide opportunities to share information about parenting issues and child development with a group of families.

Unlocking Your Child's Potential with Parents as Teachers (PAT)
Parents as Teachers (PAT) is a powerful and evidence-based early learning program dedicated to promoting optimal child development through the active engagement of parents and caregivers. This invaluable program is currently accessible to families residing in Cumberland, Dauphin, and Perry Counties.
At the heart of PAT lies a fundamental belief: Babies embark on their learning journey from the moment they are born, and parents and guardians are their first and most influential teachers. PAT is your partner in establishing a robust foundation for your child's future success in school and life. Our services are designed to cater to all parents and guardians, whether you're a single parent, a teenage mother, a guardian, or part of a two-parent family – regardless of your income level.
Comprehensive Services
As a participant in the Parents as Teachers program, you will benefit from a range of invaluable services, including:
Personalized Home Visits: Certified parent educators, who are experts in child development, will conduct personalized home visits. They are dedicated to helping you provide your child with the best possible start in life.
Group Meetings: Connect with other parents and guardians through our Group Connections and Parent Cafés. These gatherings provide a platform to share parenting experiences, gain fresh insights, explore topics of interest, and engage in interactive play with your child.
Child Screenings: Periodic screenings are conducted to ensure that your child faces no undetected learning, sensory (hearing or visual), or developmental challenges. Early detection is key to addressing any potential issues.
Resource Network: Beyond the scope of our PAT program, we provide access to a network of resources. These resources can assist you in obtaining any special services you may require to support your child's development and well-being.
Unlock your child's full potential with Parents as Teachers. Join us on this transformative journey, and together, we'll lay the foundation for a brighter future.
- Pregnant women and/or families of children, birth through kindergarten
- Reside in Dauphin or Perry County