Tax filing season is open! Taxpayers have until April 15th to file their state and federal tax returns. Did you know that Tri County Community Action has resources available to assist you with taxes? We are proud partners with the United Way of the Capital Region in bringing 'Money in Your Pocket", Assisted Tax Preparation and My Free Taxes to our Derry Street and satellite offices.
- 'Money in Your Pocket' is a way for low-to-moderate income families to have their taxes prepared by a trained volunteer. This service is available every Tuesday during tax season at our Derry Street office, 1514 Derry Street, Harrisburg, from 6:00 - 8:30 PM.
- Our satellite offices in Cumberland, Perry and Dauphin counties will also be providing assistance in helping individuals prepare their own taxes. A trained volunteer coach will guide the tax preparation process for state and federal income taxes.
- My Free Taxes is a program for those who have computer skills and want to prepare their own taxes. This is a free service that can be accessed from any computer by visiting the My Free Taxes website.
For preparation at our satellite offices, we ask that you please contact the satellite office nearest you to make an appointment or check for the availability of walk-in services.
Full details on our tax preparation resources are available here. We look forward to helping you this tax season.